Too Human Demo Reviewed
The Too Human demo which is available on Live is really not all that impressive considering the initial hype the game got. The first and biggest problem I found was that trying to control the camera actually made the sword move?! OK so there is no camera control, however the combat controls which replace it feel quite natural (except that I kept forgetting and trying to change the camera angle). The problem with the combat controls were that they are too simple and I found myself just button bashing with the wiggle stick in the general direction of enemies, if it had been more complex and it was explained like EA's Skate it might have worked a lot better.
The art design felt very Mass Effect to me but some of the graphics I found less impressive, not saying the graphics aren't good but just not great. I did find some environmental effects nice including the sun at one point and snow right where you get to start playing. They give you a bunch of different environments from a dungeon like temple, to forest, to large valleys.
Another problem I had, but this could be because it was only a demo is that I have no idea what's going on in the world of Too Human and I find it hard to choose a class and upgrade my skills because I have no idea what they really mean, it is explained a little but more background information needs to be given so I can make an informed guess, although I had the same problem with Mass Effect which I ended up loving..
Overall it feels like an alright game, just without the layer of polish to finish it off. The main problem is that something I use so often such as the left stick controlling the camera being changed to the control of melee combat could be just enough to put me off wanting this game. I think it will be one of those games I'll get once I can get my hands on for about £20.
The art design felt very Mass Effect to me but some of the graphics I found less impressive, not saying the graphics aren't good but just not great. I did find some environmental effects nice including the sun at one point and snow right where you get to start playing. They give you a bunch of different environments from a dungeon like temple, to forest, to large valleys.
Another problem I had, but this could be because it was only a demo is that I have no idea what's going on in the world of Too Human and I find it hard to choose a class and upgrade my skills because I have no idea what they really mean, it is explained a little but more background information needs to be given so I can make an informed guess, although I had the same problem with Mass Effect which I ended up loving..
Overall it feels like an alright game, just without the layer of polish to finish it off. The main problem is that something I use so often such as the left stick controlling the camera being changed to the control of melee combat could be just enough to put me off wanting this game. I think it will be one of those games I'll get once I can get my hands on for about £20.